An Agile Approach to Leadership Development

At Executive Sound BoardTM, we use a simple, yet powerful model called FRAMEDTM (FRactal Agile Methodology for Executive Development) to help you identify and tackle your most pressing challenges and capitalize on your biggest opportunities.

By “agile”, we mean that the approach is rigorous, flexible, and iterative, and that regular feedback and improvement are built into the process.

By “fractal”, we mean that the same framework applies at multiple levels and timescales throughout the engagement. More specifically, we use the four-step process outlined below to structure individual sessions, periodic retrospectives, and the coaching engagement as a whole.

The FRAMEDTM “Four ‘I’s” Process

Four ‘I’s is shorthand for the following four phases of the FRAMEDTM process:

Executive Sound Board Process

Phase I — Investigate

: to observe or study by close examination and systematic inquiry.

 The purpose of this phase is twofold:

  1. to define clear goals — developmental (internal), situational (external), or both; and
  2. to pinpoint the underlying issues, root causes, and key leverage points that stand between you and your goals.

While the former can be relatively straightforward, the latter is where the real work begins.

This phase is characterized by curious exploration, inquiry, and analysis, and aims to reveal the hidden assumptions, unconscious beliefs, and biases that underpin every complex and persistent challenge.

Phase II — Ideate

: to form an idea, conception, or image of; to imagine or conceive.

Once the core issues have been fully revealed and explored, a new space of clarity and creativity naturally emerges. Here, you’ll find yourself spontaneously envisioning and designing novel solutions to previously intractable or perennial problems.

 Phase III — Instantiate

: to represent an abstract concept by a concrete or tangible example.

 “Heroes instantiate ideals.” — W. J. Bennett

Insight alone is not enough. In this phase, you will translate insights and awareness into concrete actions and results. You will design and implement new behaviors, habits, systems, and structures that empower you to produce outcomes that were previously unattainable — and in many cases, quite literally unimaginable.

Phase IV — Iterate

: to develop by building on previous versions, using each version as the point of departure for refinements and tweaks.

Finally, we will repeat the process, with each new stage of your personal and professional development building on the growth and success you have already attained.

As a critical part of this phase, we will also perform a “Sprint Retrospective” on the coaching partnership itself. We will identify the aspects of the process that have been most valuable to you so that we can amplify them moving forward. We will also provide each other with candid, constructive feedback on areas for improvement to ensure that you get maximum value from our work together.

As mentioned above, we apply the same four-step process at multiple timescales, from the engagement as a whole down to individual coaching sessions.

For more information, feel free to book an introductory session to explore your goals, get all your questions answered, and see if we’re a mutual fit.

Life Changing

When I entered into coaching, I was nervous. In all honesty, I have an easier time communicating with women vs. men, especially in a development or therapeutic session. However, Chris was the perfect choice for me.

He is a great listener and communicator who has really let me take charge and explore my development opportunities, strengths, and my life.

I know "life changing" is a huge rating but the conclusions I came to in my last session with Chris after we reviewed my 360 feedback inspired conversations with my wife that I feel will change the trajectory of our lives, so if the rating shoe fits...

My life is richer for the time I have spent with Chris, not to mention my career, family, and colleagues.

Thank you, Chris.

Jeff S., Head of Talent

Exceptional Coaching

I met Chris in a group / peer support environment. Over time it became clear that through our work and independant training Chris has developed exceptional coaching capacities. Time and again I've witnessed Chris's leadership in bringing some of our members from unconscious and recurring destructive patterns to awareness and choice. When Chris started coaching individually I signed up fully expecting, and receiving considerable value.

Just last week, Chris helped me re-frame a past disappointment as a fact, not a constraint. It's obvious in writing; it became obvious in session.

— Shayne R., Investor and Business Owner


Chris has done tremendous work with me. In our work together, there have been several qualities that have stood out to me, including three that have been paramount in my opinion. These were evident almost immediately.

1. He has Zen like patience to listen and work through difficulties in life.

2. He has the uncanny ability to help peel back the layers to ultimately get to what is holding one back.

3. Once the roadblock to progress has been identified, he intuitively works with you to identify solutions, and never pushes his opinion on you.

— Ramu T., Market Research Professional

Empowering and Supportive

I had a hypothesis (about myself) that certain behaviors or approaches of mine weren’t getting me the resources, attention and support I needed from my executive team to advance my business forward.

I was frustrated and questioning if the role I was in was the right one for me. 

Through my work with Chris, I was able to see that my tendency to always be seen as “nice” and “accommodating” was holding me back from moving my business and career forward.

Chris worked with me and gave me the tools and support I needed to negotiate boldly and within just a few months, my CEO aligned with my vision and agreed to everything I asked for.

Jennifer F., Senior Vice President

Deep Cross-Functional Knowledge

I had the great fortune of finding Chris as my personal executive coach.

Chris perceives layers,connectedness and possibilities for his clients within their unique organizational space. He offers framework and words that enable his clients to surface the best in themselves and their organizations. Because Chris has deep cross-functional knowledge and is genuinely interested and widely read, he will guide you through the insights, exercises and authors that fit your journey.

Chris has so much to offer and I'm thankful for the healthy growth he will continue to bring out in organizations and their leaders.

Fiona H., Director of IT and Technology

Best Coach Ever

Chris is AMAZING. I have had a few different executive coaches over my career including one provided by MIT and he is THE BEST.

What is great about Chris is that he is exceptional at listening to me talk for a while then rephrasing what I said into a clear goal for the session. Then he follows that with a conversation where he questions my assumptions about what to do next and provides feedback that is thought provoking and helpful. In this way he helps me see possibilities that I wouldn't have seen without him.

The end effect is RESULTS - each and every time we tackle a specific goal (preparing me for a CEO briefing for example), I am able to achieve beyond expectations.

He is literally the BEST COACH EVER.

 — Jennifer S., Managing Director at a Top Five Consultancy

About Chris Iskander

Unlike other coaches and facilitators who are heavy on soft skills but light on real world experience and results...

Chris is a seasoned technology professional with a Master’s Degree in Engineering and over 13 years of experience at a rapid growth, high stress, mission critical tech start-up — which grew from a nascent 12-person team into a world leading organization with more than 300 employees and ultimately provided a successful exit for himself and the other shareholders.

Having worked in DevOps, Product Management, Sales, Customer Success, and International Project Management, Chris has seen it all. He has developed business processes, led Agile transformations, navigated two corporate mergers, helped design and implement a major organizational restructuring, and trained customers, partners, and staff along the way. As a seasoned technology professional, Chris speaks your language and has lived and breathed the challenges you face every day.

Chris is also a skilled Executive and Team Coach, with credentials from the College of Executive Coaching, the Center for Executive Coaching, Newfield Network, and the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

His clients have included executives, leaders, and high-potential employees at Fortune 500 and other industry-leading companies, as well as founders and C-Suite executives in the start-up space. He is currently focussing his practice on small and mid-sized technology companies, where the development of skilled leaders and high-performance teams can have a rapid and significant impact on the health and success of the organization.

If you are a leader and would benefit from the clarity, confidence, and peace of mind that come from dramatically improved performance and team cohesion, please feel free to contact us or reach out to book a complimentary consultation.

We would be delighted to learn about your specific challenges and see if we’re a mutual fit.

Chris has coached leaders at these and other world-class organizations:
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